Spring 2012 – Cruise to Chichester

We set off on 16th April after many deliberations as bad weather was predicted from the next day onwards.  It was a lovely day today though, so after an early morning hair appointment we dashed down the Marina and set off.  Had a great motor sail to Brighton with Force 3’s and variable winds with the tide all the way.  Allocated a berth away from the visitors near the facilities and sheltered beside a ‘houseboat’.  Sun shone all day, and we had a walk in the evening and on to Wetherspoons for a drink later.

We had a bumpy night and woke to gale force winds and lashing rain, which eventually turned to a sunny windy day.  We visited the chandlers then whiled away a few hours with coffee and a paper in Wetherspoons, then later visited for a steak meal – it’s become our home from home!

18th & 19th April continued very windy – we were at sixes and sevens!  Had a trip into Brighton on the bus and did some shopping but just waiting for the weather to change generally.  We tried to get some photos of the sea breaking over the marina sea wall but weren’t very successful.

On Friday 20th April we listened to the 7.30 forecast and it was 3-4 westerly veering 4-5 SW, 6 at first in the east.  So we decided to leave.  Out of the marina by 8.30 – the wind was blowing a good F4 and sea lumpy, but all okay with one reef in the main, until we got to Bognor when the sea and wind got up.  The Looe channel wasn’t too bad but it was a very big sea across to Chichester Harbour and we were woried about getting in the entrance as there is a sand bar there.  We ended up surfing in on the big waves – Eddie did a stirling job controlling the boat!  We had two reefs in the sail by now, which was just as well as a big black cloud came over and the gusts increased.  We dropped the sails just inside the entrance and motored up to Chichester Marina, but ran out of water as we approached – it had all taken longer than anticipated and the tide was now at it’s lowest.  We turned back and waited on Itchenor’s visitors pontoon until 7pm – radioed ahead and they said it would be okay by then.  During our wait we had a deluge of rain and thunderstorms so just as well we could take refuge inside the boat.  When we arrived at Chi Marina we were given a good welcome (as usual) and allocated berth I49.  Breathed a sigh of relief to get here at last.

After an exhausting day expected to sleep well, but didn’t!  But had a wonderful shower in the new super shower block here – classical music, under floor heating and sparkling clean – luxury!  We went to reception and asked if it would be alright to stay on our berth for a while as the weather forecast for the next week was looking bad still.  I snapped some lovely photo’s of the bird wildlife on the canal and had a walk around the marina in the evening.

Swan and her Cygnets in canal at Chi marina

This lifejacket is ok!









22nd April – still sunny but very windy. We decided to pay for Spectrum Wifi here as we can’t pick up any other ones – this place is too remote for that. We went for a walk in the afternoon but not far as it started to rain.  Saw Peter Towner near the locks – he is on our pontoon at Sovereign Harbour, and was promoting the RYA Active Marina days – an enterprise to get people in marinas socialising.  In the evening we tried out the restaurant on site ‘Tandoori Nights’.  Had a lovely indian meal there, and nicely presented.  But it was very quiet – only one other table in use.  Everyone had scarpered home because of the rain.

The next day was rainy and windy again so we mooched around – had a coffee in the Spinnaker restaurant here, and bumped into John Alden who keeps his Westerly 33 here – he taught us our Day Skipper theory at East Grinstead a few years ago.  He had in fact just sold his boat to a friend and they were both on board sorting things out so we didn’t stop.  We did a bit of sorting out ourselves on board as well, as you can see above – Eddie checked out the lifejackets!

We got the bikes out the next day (Tuesday 24th) and rode over to Birdham Stores to stock up the provisions, then in the afternoon we caught the bus into Chichester, had a wander around the centre then had a sit down outside the Cathedral for a while, before going for a steak meal at Wetherspoons.  Caught the 6.15pm bus back – sun shone all day, but of course still very windy.  The following day was wet and windy but Thursday was brighter, so after doing a few jobs on the boat we caught the bus into East Wittering.  Going there was a real blast from the past as I used to spend all my summer holidays there as a child, we always rented a bungalow on the beach and nothing has changed very much.  It is still  a very traditional village with a fishmongers, two butchers and two bakers.  We had a walk along seafront where the surfers were out on a very rough sea and passed the seaside bungalows, spotted one where I used to stay – some of them where made out of old train carriages, as was this one.  Still standing but looking rather ramshackle.  We had a nice cup of tea in a café in the village, bought some things in the Tesco Express and caught the bus back.  A lovely afternoon.

East Wittering seafront

After looking at the long range forecast today (Friday 27th) we decided enough was enough and went along to the office to check if we could stay on our berth longer.  They said it was no problem, so Eddie went home on the train and picked up the car, drove back to Chichester and we returned home for a few days.  To warm up, dry out and do the laundry!  The plan was to come back next week when there was a reasonable forecast, and take the boat to Bosham, dry out and put on our rope cutter.  Then we will wait our opportunity to take her home.  Our original intention was to stay in the Solent area and explore for a few more weeks but the long term forecast is dire so we have abandoned that idea.

On 30th April spoke to Bosham Quay Master and he said it would be ok to take the boat there tomorrow so we drove down to Bosham and looked at the quayside where the tide was out and picked a good spot for us to dry out.  We then went over to Itchenor to look at their scrubbing piles there but prefer Bosham Quay as it is more sheltered.  We returned to the boat and prepared for an early start next day as High tide at Bosham is 7.30am and we need to arrive there about that time.

Tuesday 1st May – well of course it was raining, but no wind so good for our trip to Bosham.  We were up at 6am and into the lock about 6.45am, arrived at Bosham 7.35am.  We turned the boat around when we reached the quay and tied up facing outwards as instructed.  We then settled down to wait for low tide at 1.30pm.  The boat settled well just inside the hard standing that is there although the back had swung round slightly as we settled.  Eddie managed to get the rope cutter and coupling put on with plenty of time.  We left Bosham eventually about 7pm when the tide came in then back to Chichester Marina and our berth for one more night.

We were up at 6am again the next day and into the lock about 6.45am.  It was a  calm day, northerly winds and we came over Chichester Bar about 8.30am.  Had a good motor sail to Brighton, but had rain to start with.  We arrived in Brighton about 3.30pm and went onto the visitor’s pontoon as only staying one night.  Had a couple of G & T’s, a lovely hot shower, then a trip to Asda and Wetherspoons.

We had planned to leave later the next day Thursday 3rd May, but threatens of thunderstorms in the forecast made us leave at 9am – so we only caught a little of the tide.  As we passed Newhaven the ferry was just coming out, and it was interesting to see it on our new plotter.  Then as we reached Glynde Gap we saw a dolphin going the other way.  At Beachy Head the main sheet shackle broke, so we had to do running repairs and tie it on for the time being.  Had a little rain at first but not too bad and the sea was calm.  We locked into Sovereign Harbour at 1pm,  and after a meal at the Harvester stayed on board that night.  Eddie got the train back to Chichster the next day to pick up the car whilst I cleared up the boat.  Weather still cold, wet and dreary and very nice to be home …………until the next time!

Bosham church