Welcome to my web site which is for our sailing exploits, cruises, and general yottie ‘stuff’. We have a Westerly Seahawk ‘Hurkur’ which is moored in Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne. We got her Christmas 2006, and have spent a lot of time (and money!!) so far on her and have had some great trips so far, including The Netherlands, France’s shores and the canals. The name Hurkur comes from a group of rocks that are just off the coast at Eyemouth Harbour, on the East Coast of Scotland. She was launched at Largs Marina and the original owner lived at Eyemouth, hence the name. Before ‘Hurkur’ we had ‘Alban Rose’, a Westerly Centaur for a couple of years and she was an excellent introduction for us to sailing our own yacht. But we needed a bit more space for more extensive cruising, and more lockers for the mountain of stuff we take with us on our journeys! This site has tales of past cruises on both of our boats, as well as recent ones, as a record for ourselves and anyone else who might be interested. I also have another website http://southwithhurkur.weebly.com/ which is currently being updated.