Afloat again

We were launched on 28th April after two months in the yard, we had to wait for the rudder to be done, which took a little longer than anticipated.  However, now after over two weeks of hard work after launching, the boat is now ready to cruise, except we aren’t quite ready yet!  A few commitments at home, but hope to be setting sail shortly.  Hurkur is clean inside and out, and I have attached a photo of the (practically) new rudder and James Tate and his team struggling with the beast!  We had a lovely sail last week to try things out, everything was fine, but since then, after running the engine, Eddie found the impeller was damaged, and has fitted a new one, together with other numerous jobs.  Roll on holidays!

Re-built rudder with new copper coat

Re-built rudder with new copper coat

Will it go in?!

Will it go in?!