Takingit easy

After Nieuwpoort we went onto Breskens as the weather was good but forecast deteriorating. We then entered the inland waterways from there, i.e. across the westerschelde into flushing lock, up the Walcheren canal and out into the Verse Meer to Kamperland, a new place for us.  That was on Thurs. 14th May and we stayed there a couple of days before going on to De Omloop.  Had a pleasant sail there, not far down the Verse Meer.  Westerly friends Brian and Karen joined us there on their yacht Sapphire. Winds were strong for a few days but its a good place to shelter.  We went our separate ways after that, as they are going north. We went to Kortgene to stock up on necessaries, and on Thursday 21st sailed to Wemeldinge on the Oosterschelde, another new place for us. Lovely clean modern marina and they even had hairdryers in the ladies!!!  We are now in Goes, a little marina at the end of a canal in the heart of thetown, its like mooring in some ones back garden.  We came here about 9 years ago on Alban Rose but not many changes since then, still charming!